Metaptive Group - a Mission Driven Company

We work on the adaptation challenges for deep transformations such as Technological, Environnemental, Societal, way of working, ...

... Renegerate, Reinvent

Be consistent with the economic, ethical, environmental and societal dimensions

ISO 26000

certified individual member
Metaptive member certified ICA AFNOR in the assessment of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility ISO 26000

Global Reporting Initiative

France membership
Member for France of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) network - an independent international organization that helps companies and other organizations take responsibility for their impacts, by providing them with the common global language to communicate these impacts.

Corporate Social Responsibility

2021 performance
Metaptive Group certified Gold by Ecovadis in terms of CSR policy

Global Compact

Signatory of the Global Compact
Metaptive Group, signatory of the United Nations Global Compact for the respect of principles in the areas of human rights, labor law, the environment and the fight against corruption

Metaptive Group

à mission

  • « Support any approach, ethical and human enabling individual and collective autonomy or resilience to  face of unprecedented, complex or emerging changes »
    extract of the Metaptive Group SAS Status

They trust us

Frédéric Peters - Founding Director

Frédéric is a transformation and management consultant , specialist in strategy and complex transformation program involving severals domains (organizational resilience, data & digitalization, decarbonization, new skills, … ). Based on more than 20 years of transformation experience with European and International companies (Insurance, Reinsurance, Asset Management, Energy and Natural Resources), he develops Open Adaptation - a movement and community dedicated to "Adaptation in corporates” in the face of the multiple changes colliding in compagnies (environmental, technological, societal, work mode, ...). Frédéric holds a master of science in computer Science from EPITA and a Bachelor in Biochemistry

Our principles of actions

Intergenerational responsibility

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